
Our objective in this study was to determine phase transitions of bodily vegetative reactivity in different baseline functional states in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) during the stages of the hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) procedures. The developed technology of appraisal of vegetative reactivity in therapeutic hyperoxia enables bodily adaptive reactions to be objectively determined in curative hyperoxia on a present-day informative and scientific level. Monitoring of vegetative changes during the course of barotherapy permits securing an individual HBO dosing consistent with the level of resistance to hyperoxia.

Vorob’eva, Dziuba, Sorokin, , , , , , (). [Changes in autonomic regulation in patients with multiple sclerosis during hyperbaric oxygenation]. Likars’ka sprava, ;(7):85-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10050468