
Following peripheral nerve compression, peripheral nerve microcirculation plays important roles in regulating the nerve microenvironment and neurotrophic substances, supplying blood and oxygen and maintaining neural conduction and axonal transport. This paper has retrospectively analyzed the articles published in the past 10 years that addressed the relationship between peripheral nerve compression and changes in intraneural microcirculation. In addition, we describe changes in different peripheral nerves, with the aim of providing help for further studies in peripheral nerve microcirculation and understanding its protective mechanism, and exploring new clinical methods for treating peripheral nerve compression from the perspective of neural microcirculation.

Keywords: grants-supported paper; microcirculation; nerve blood flow; nerve compression; neural regeneration; neuroregeneration; peripheral nerve; peripheral nerve injury; sciatic nerve.

Gao Y, Weng C, Wang X. Changes in nerve microcirculation following peripheral nerve compression. Neural Regen Res. 2013 Apr 15;8(11):1041-7. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374.2013.11.010. PMID: 25206398; PMCID: PMC4145887.