
This report presents a case of concomitant cerebral and coronary gas emboli seen in a sport scuba diver after suffering from pulmonary barotrauma. Except for massive fatal gas embolism, no case of concomitant cerebral and coronary arterial gas emboli has been reported. The 45 year old male diver rapidly surfaced from a depth of 32 feet of sea water and experienced transient loss of consciousness, chest pain, and hemiparesis. EKG and cardiac enzymes suggested myocardial ischemia. He received three recompression treatments and recovered completely.

Smerz, , , , , , , , (2005). Concomitant cerebral and coronary arterial gas emboli in a sport diver: a case report. Hawaii medical journal, 2005 Jan;64(1):12-3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15751753