
It has long been recognized that normal healing is dependent on the oxygen gradient in the wound Hypoxia can slow or arrest the healing process and augments the risk of infection. While hypoxia triggers neoangiogenesis, normal tissue oxygen pressures are mandatory for migration of repair cells (macrophages, fibroblasts), production of collagen precursors and, thus, for wound repair with good mechanical properties. Recent studies have identified the underlying molecular mechanisms of wound repair. In clinical practice, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is to treat problem wounds like diabetic foot lesions, arterial ulcers, and radionecrosis. Direct or indirect measurement of oxygen tissue pressure can help to select patients and to monitor treatment outcome.

Wattel, Mathieu, , , , , , , (2005). [Oxygen and wound healing]. Bulletin de l’Academie nationale de medecine, 2005 May;189(5):853-64; discussion 864-5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16433457