
This report illustrates the clinical and pathological findings of anaerobic streptococcal myonecrosis following extraperitoneal rectal injury in a 28-year-old patient with traumatic pelvic ring disruption. Four days following admission, the patient underwent laparotomy, debridement and drainage of the left-sided abdominal wall and presacral space for gross surgical emphysema and streptococcal anaerobic myonecrosis. The specificity of this infection and its impact on the diagnosis and treatment of the condition are briefly discussed. Accent is given to early recognition, appropriate medical and surgical management, and hyperbaric oxygenation as an additive measure.

Losanoff, Kjossev, , , , , , , (1997). Peptostreptococcal myonecrosis of extraperitoneal origin–a life-threatening complication of pelvic ring disruption. Swiss surgery = Schweizer Chirurgie = Chirurgie suisse = Chirurgia svizzera, 1997 ;3(4):185-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9283248