In the dynamic realm of health care, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) emerges as a groundbreaking fusion of physical and mental health treatment. Initially a remedy for deep-sea divers and specialized medical cases, HBOT now marks a significant advancement in modern...
Mental Health News
Dr. Aruna Tummala on How Integrative Psychiatry Looks Beyond the Brain
Image credits of Dr. Aruna Tummala: Trinergy Integrative psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Tummala, medical director of Trinergy Center for Integrative Psychiatry (12800 W. National Ave., New Berlin), takes a holistic approach to emotional-physical health, blending Western...
Inside Kendall Jenner’s VERY expensive wellness room: Self-confessed ‘hypochondriac’ installs $23K hyperbaric chamber
Kendall Jenner had hinted all season long that she was practically obsessed with health and wellness, with fans getting to see her wellness room in The Kardashians season finale. The 26-year-old supermodel was seen earlier in the season getting NAD IV...
Justin Bieber sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber
Justin Beiber has a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in his home and one in his studio. He uses these chambers to help manage his stress and anxiety. There are many different types of HBOT chambers; but for Beiber, his chambers are pod-like,...