
A 74-yr-old man was scheduled for the biopsy of prostatic tumor under spinal anesthesia. Preoperative serologic test for syphilis was highly positive. Spinal anesthesia was performed in the sitting position, and 2 ml of hyperbaric Neo-percamine S (a mixture of 0.24% dibucaine and 0.12% T-caine) was administered uneventfully with the onset of warm sensation on the perineal region. Ten minutes later, however, he began to complain of severe lightning sensation on the feet. After giving pentazocine intravenously, the short cystoscopic procedure was completed. As a cause of severe pain, an erroneous anesthetic solution or direct neuronal injury had been excluded because of rapid and complete recovery after anesthesia. Two weeks later, he was scheduled for TUR-P. He again complained of severe lightning pain after the successful spinal anesthesia with the same anesthetic solution. Because the pain was not relieved by analgesics, he was then anesthetized with enflurane and N2O in oxygen, and there were no neurological complications after anesthesia. Several cases of severe pain during spinal anesthesia have been reported in patients with tabes dorsalis. Although the patient lacks clear symptoms of neurosyphilis, positive serologic examination for syphilis without any other possible causes suggests altered sensitivity of the spinal cord to anesthetic solutions.

Yamashita, Joukou, Kuramoto, , , , , , (1990). [Severe lightning pain during spinal anesthesia]. Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology, 1990 Dec;39(12):1708-10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2098602