
This was a case of spinal subdural granuloma of Candida albicans. A high cerebrospinal fluid protein level without pleocytosis (albuminocytologic dissociation) was observed. This case proved difficult to diagnose and treat. To clarify the important issues in regard to the diagnosis and treatment of possible spinal subdural granuloma resulting from C. albicans. Reports on subdural infection of C. albicans are very rare. Moreover, there are no reports of cases in which patients have survived this type of infection. A 66-year-old man developed paralysis in the lower limbs, as well as vesicorectal disorder (anuresis). There were no obvious causes. Signs of meningeal irritation later appeared. A high cerebrospinal fluid protein level without pleocytosis was observed through a laboratory test. The cause of these disorders was unclear, and a final diagnosis could not be made on the basis of the test results and angiograph. Possible diagnoses included tumor, infection, and others such as Guillain-Barré syndrome. The authors therefore carried out surgery to reduce the pressure on the spinal cord and ultimately make a definitive diagnosis.

Sakayama, Kidani, Matsuda, Fujibuchi, Miyazaki, Takada, Shibata, Yamamoto, (2002). Subdural spinal granuloma resulting from Candida albicans without immunosufficiency: case report. Spine, 2002 Aug;27(15):E356-60. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12163736